YogiAnatomy Goes to Cuba!
Videos to Watch
If you decide to join us for our upcoming educational experience in Cuba, we've selected a few videos for you to watch before our trip. These videos cover topics such as Cuba's rich history and demographics, its complex relationship with the United States, and the significant influence of the African Diaspora in Cuban culture.
We hope that our exchanges with the local community, healthcare providers, and educators will be enriched by having at least a small understanding of Cuba’s history and cultural dynamics before we arrive.
Cuba EXPLAINED in 14 Minutes (History and Culture) (14 min)
CUBA | America’s Collapsing Enemy? (13 min)
AFRO CUBA: The African Diaspora in CUBA Part 1 (8 min)
Choose one of these videos:
Brief Political History of Cuba (20 min)
Communist Cuba on the brink of collapse (18 min)
AFRO CUBA: The African Diaspora in CUBA Part 2 (8 min)
Cuba and the Cameraman | A Documentary Film (1hr 54 min)